Tippecanoe School Corporation
TSC to host third school safety forum
Sue Scott

The Tippecanoe School Corporation will host the third in a series of meetings to address a variety of school safety issues on March 7 at Wea Ridge Middle School. TSC Safety and Security Manager Aaron Gilman, along with School Resource Officers (SRO) and other safety specialists, will provide information on the corporation’s emergency preparedness plans and initiatives, as well as resources for parents navigating concerns about drugs, alcohol, social media and more.

The session will start at 6:30 p.m. March 7 in the Media Center at Wea Ridge Middle School. After a review of our Standard Response Protocol, School Resource Officers will lead a discussion on vaping, drugs, alcohol awareness and intervention. They will also share information on the workings and functionality of social media apps that students are using today and how it may allow opportunities for students to communicate under the parent radar and expose them to potential dangers. The SROs will also discuss legislative changes, technological advancements and accessibility concerns that have influenced the drug and alcohol culture.

The fourth session is scheduled for May 16 and will include information on internet predators and provide an annual review of safety programs.